The Federal Judicial Conference has given final approval for the use of an entire new set of Bankruptcy forms. These forms will be required for any new Bankruptcy case (or amendment) filed on or after December 1,2015. This is the first global re-design of Bankruptcy forms in more than 40-years and Attorneys and their Case Managers need to understand the dynamics of the new forms (An individual’s Bankruptcy with only one debt will be at least*53* pages long at the very minimum ). As an example, Schedules A (Real Property) and Schedule B (N on-Real Property) have been consolidated into one master asset listing, but the categories of assets have been expanded from 35 different types to over 55 types. There will be 4 different types of Bankruptcy petitions and the Voluntary Petition for Individuals will be a minimum of *8* pages long. The re-designed forms will not effect any of the previous filings with our clients in the Carmichael, Sacramento and surrounding areas, only if there were to be any amendments to be filed. I will post additional information as becomes available. Is is now January 04, 2016 and the new Bankruptcy changes to the forms have been in effect since December 01, 2015. These changes are related to additional information that will be needed while entering data within the new updated forms.

Do not be alarmed by these changes, we will guide you through this procedure..

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